Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Open Ranting and Raving

Another alias for Open Phones. After the thoroughly silly and stupid calls Bob's received for the past week, he decides to just let them have their playground on tonight's show. Lots of calls about Gary Hart, Iran-Contragate, and the famous classic call by the young fellow known as "The Kid."

DOWNLOAD - Open Ranting and Raving
WPLP, May 8, 1987

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ethics and Morality

The Gary Hart scandal has just broken, and Bob wonders why (along with Jim Bakker's troubles) this is what people care about when the Iran-Contra hearings get more grim and appalling by the day? The answer, he thinks, is American ideas about "ethics and morals." But, he says, Americans aren't consistent about that either, or Ronald Reagan would be toast.

DOWNLOAD - Ethics and Morality
WPLP, May 7, 1987

Friday, June 17, 2011

Moronic Radio

Ideally an open phones show (though Bob gives criteria for his callers that we don't get to hear), it's filled with truly stupid calls, some intentional and some accidental. At one point Bob gets is hopes raised when he gets 8 decent calls in a row, but they're quickly dashed.

DOWNLOAD - Moronic Radio
WPLP, May 6, 1987

Monday, June 13, 2011

Robert Skolrood, Secular Humanism, and the Contras

Robert Skolrood, director of the National Legal Foundation, convinced a federal judge to ban 44 books from Alabama public schools on the ground that they promoted the religion of "secular humanism." Bob questions Mr. Skolrood about this religion, its values, and the values that it undermines. Then, for the next two hours, it's a full frontal assault on America's policy toward Nicaragua.

WPLP, May 5, 1987


Fourth or Fifth Saturday

Throughout his radio career, Bob makes no secret of his hatred for the Saturday shows his station(s) require of him. It's sort of a running gag here as Bob takes calls from the famous Carolyn from New Port Richey, the semi-famous Gulfport Baby, and others of what Bob proclaims "the uncool people."

Going at Random

Bob has a tradition of hosting open-phones shows under other names to disguise the fact that he's hosting an open-phones show. As The General babbles on in the foreground, topics include race, Howard Stern, and the unarmed American civilian killed that week in Nicaragua.

DOWNLOAD - Going at Random
WPLP, May 1, 1987

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Lassiter Test

Bob administers a true-or-false test consisting of 50 questions about himself, past and present, personal and political. He gave the questions to callers, and in this clip gives the answers to them and to those playing along at home. The point? To see, once again, who's really paying attention and who just hears what they want to hear.

DOWNLOAD - The Lassiter Test
WPLP, January 13, 1987

Lassiter vs. Fruitcake

Fruitcake, a chronic caller and nemesis to every talk-show host in Miami, chases Bob to Tampa to harass him in his new market. Here we find them facing off in a series of phone calls on WPLP. We'll hear more from Fruitcake soon.

DOWNLOAD - Lassiter vs. Fruitcake
WPLP, December 1986(?)